
Easing Dental Anxiety: Coping Methods that Can Help

Posted by Nishikawa Family Dentistry Mar 16, 2023

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Dental phobia is the fear of going to the dentist. This fear can cause some people to delay going to the dentist and some to avoid the dentist altogether.

Discuss your dental fears with your dentist

If the thought of going to the dentist makes you anxious, you should talk to your dental office about it. They should be able to ease any fear you have by explaining what will happen. Knowing exactly what’s going to happen will make it a lot easier to mentally prepare for your appointments. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Your dentist will be happy to explain anything you’re unsure of. 

If you or a family member has extreme dental anxiety, come prepared to discuss what will make you feel more comfortable during the appointment. 

Finally, talk to your dentist about any medications you take to make sure you can undergo anesthesia safely. Talk with them about your medical history as well. This information will help your dentist plan your anesthetic appropriately so you won’t feel a thing! Visit the website for more info.

Agree on a signal for your dentist to know when you need a break

If you have trouble staying calm during your dental procedures, talk to your dentist about it! They may be able to recommend some helpful techniques to make it easier for you to relax. For example, you could agree on a signal to let them know when you could benefit from a break. That way, they won’t take you off guard and will be able to give you an extra moment if you need it. They may also be able to suggest types of sedation to help you relax during the procedure.

Bring a support person with you to your appointment

Having a support person around during a dental appointment can help you relax. Just having someone to hold your hand or chat with you during the drill can be comforting enough to ease your anxiety.

Bring a distraction for your appointment

Bringing a distraction for your dental appointment can help you stay relaxed during your appointment. You can bring something with you that engages your senses or takes your mind off of your procedure. You may listen to music, read a book, knit, write in a journal, talk to a friend on the phone, or watch television on a portable media player. Distractions can also be provided by your dentist and team. Your dentist may also have you listen to your favorite music during your treatment. 

Consider sedation dentistry

Sedation dentistry involves the use of sedatives to make patients more relaxed and at ease with their dental procedures. While under sedation, they will feel more comfortable and relaxed during the procedure. Speak with your doctor to see if this type of treatment is right for you.

To learn more about our dental services, you can schedule your appointment with our Torrance dentist by calling Nishikawa Family Dentistry at (310) 543-1655 or visiting us at 3556 Torrance Boulevard, Suite C, Torrance, CA 90503. 

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3556 Torrance Boulevard, Suite C, Torrance, CA 90503

Nishikawa Family Dentistry

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Nishikawa Family Dentistry